NAV undefined
bash ruby python php javascript go csharp java


API Endpoint

Welcome to the CrimeCheck API! You can use our API to access court cases in our database.

Currently, the API checks for Court Records in all courts across India, including Supreme Court, All High Courts, District Courts and Tribunals. This includes pending and disposed cases. It also searches in important defaulter lists. The total number of records being searched is 17 Crores (17,16,85,644) as on 26-07-2020.

We have provided examples in cURL, Ruby, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Go, C# and Java! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

The CrimeCheck API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We support cross-origin resource sharing, allowing you to interact securely with our API from a client-side web application (though you should never expose your secret API key in any public website's client-side code). JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors.

To make the API as explore-able as possible, accounts have test mode and live mode API keys. There is no "switch" for changing between modes, just use the appropriate key to perform a live or test transaction.

Watch this short video to understand more about Report API integration.

Basic API


To authorize, use this code:

  curl \
   -u 'test_apikey:'

Note: curl uses the -u flag to pass basic auth credentials(adding
a colon after your API key prevents cURL from asking for a password).
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)

request =
request.basic_auth("test_apikey", "")

response = http.request(request)
import requests

requests.get('', auth=('test_apikey', ''))
$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "test_apikey" . ":" . "");

$result = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
    echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
var request = require('request');

var options = {
    url: '',
    auth: {
        'user': 'test_apikey',
        'pass': ''

function callback(error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {

request(options, callback);

  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
  if err != nil {
    // handle err
  req.SetBasicAuth("test_apikey", "")

  resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
    // handle err
  defer resp.Body.Close()

var restClient = new RestClient('')
    Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator('test_apikey', '')
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
  .basicAuth("test_apikey", "")

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    'status': 'OK'

Authenticate your account when using the API by including your secret API key in the request. Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secret! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.

Authentication to the API is performed via HTTP Basic Auth. Provide your API key as the basic auth username value. You do not need to provide a password.

If you need to authenticate via bearer auth (e.g., for a cross-origin request), use -H "Authorization: test_apikey" instead of -u test_apikey:.

CrimeCheck expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server. API requests without authentication will fail.

API Status

  curl \
   -u 'test_apikey:'

Note: curl uses the -u flag to pass basic auth credentials (adding
a colon after your API key prevents cURL from asking for a password).
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

http =, url.port)

request =
request.basic_auth("test_apikey", "")

response = http.request(request)
import requests

requests.get('', auth=('test_apikey', ''))
$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "test_apikey" . ":" . "");

$result = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_errno($ch)) {
    echo 'Error:' . curl_error($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
var request = require('request');

var options = {
    url: '',
    auth: {
        'user': 'test_apikey',
        'pass': ''

function callback(error, response, body) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {

request(options, callback);

  req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
  if err != nil {
    // handle err
  req.SetBasicAuth("test_apikey", "")

  resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
    // handle err
  defer resp.Body.Close()

var restClient = new RestClient('')
    Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator('test_apikey', '')
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
HttpResponse<String> response = Unirest.get("")
  .basicAuth("test_apikey", "")

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    'status': 'OK'


Check if apiKey is valid using this API.


CrimeCheck uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, invalid API key etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with CrimeCheck servers (these are rare).

HTTP status code summary

Status Description
200 OK - Everything worked as expected.
400 INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR - The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter or invalid value
401 INVALID_API_KEY, API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Authorization related
429 Too Many Requests (Rate limit of Max per MINUTE=1800, HOUR=9000, DAY=228000)
500 Crimecheck service issue

CrimeReport API

CrimeReport API accepts the profile of a company or individual. After we receive the request, our team of analysts and lawyers will work and provide a report (PDF file) within the agreed Turn Around Time (TAT). There are two APIs available as a part of CrimeReport.

1. Add Report

  curl  -X POST \ \
   -u 'test_apikey:' \
   -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
   -d 'companyName=Getupforchange Services Private Limited' \
   -d 'cinNumber=U74900KA2014PTC073629' \
   -d 'companyAddress=#L66, First Floor, 9th B Main, Sector 11, LIC colony, HAL 3rd Stage, Jeevan Bheem Nagar Bangalore Bangalore'
  require 'uri'
  require 'net/http'

  url = URI("")

  http =, url.port)

  request =
  request.basic_auth("test_apikey", "")
  request["content-type"] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  request.body = "companyName=Getupforchange%20Services%20Private%20Limited&cinNumber=U74900KA2014PTC073629&companyAddress=%23L66%2C%20First%20Floor%2C%209th%20B%20Main%2C%20Sector%2011%2C%20LIC%20colony%2C%20HAL%203rd%20Stage%2C%20Jeevan%20Bheem%20Nagar%20Bangalore%20Bangalore"

  response = http.request(request)
  puts response.read_body
import requests

headers = {
  'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

data = [
   ('companyName','Getupforchange Services Private Limited'),
   ('companyAddress','#L66, First Floor, 9th B Main, Sector 11, LIC colony, HAL 3rd Stage, Jeevan Bheem Nagar Bangalore Bangalore')
]'', headers=headers, data=data, auth=('test_apikey', ''))

  $curl = curl_init();

  curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
    CURLOPT_URL => "",
    CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "companyName=Getupforchange%20Services%20Private%20Limited&cinNumber=U74900KA2014PTC073629&companyAddress=%23L66%2C%20First%20Floor%2C%209th%20B%20Main%2C%20Sector%2011%2C%20LIC%20colony%2C%20HAL%203rd%20Stage%2C%20Jeevan%20Bheem%20Nagar%20Bangalore%20Bangalore",
      "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "test_apikey" . ":" . "");
  $response = curl_exec($curl);
  $err = curl_error($curl);


  if ($err) {
    echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
  } else {
    echo $response;
  var request = require("request");

  var options = { method: 'POST',
  url: '',
  auth: {
        'user': 'test_apikey',
        'pass': ''
  headers: {
    'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

  form: { 'companyName':'Getupforchange Services Private Limited','cinNumber':'U74900KA2014PTC073629','companyAddress':'#L66, First Floor, 9th B Main, Sector 11, LIC colony, HAL 3rd Stage, Jeevan Bheem Nagar Bangalore Bangalore' };
  request(options, function (error, response, body) {
    if (error) throw new Error(error);


  body := strings.NewReader(`companyName=Getupforchange%20Services%20Private%20Limited&cinNumber=U74900KA2014PTC073629&companyAddress=%23L66%2C%20First%20Floor%2C%209th%20B%20Main%2C%20Sector%2011%2C%20LIC%20colony%2C%20HAL%203rd%20Stage%2C%20Jeevan%20Bheem%20Nagar%20Bangalore%20Bangalore`)
  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", body)
  if err != nil {
    // handle err
  req.SetBasicAuth("test_apikey", "")
  req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

  resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
    // handle err
  defer resp.Body.Close()
  var client = new RestClient(''){
      Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator('test_apikey', '')
  var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
  request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
  request.AddParameter("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "companyName=Getupforchange%20Services%20Private%20Limited&cinNumber=U74900KA2014PTC073629&companyAddress=%23L66%2C%20First%20Floor%2C%209th%20B%20Main%2C%20Sector%2011%2C%20LIC%20colony%2C%20HAL%203rd%20Stage%2C%20Jeevan%20Bheem%20Nagar%20Bangalore%20Bangalore", ParameterType.RequestBody);
  IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
  HttpResponse<String> response ="")
    .basicAuth("test_apikey", "")
    .header("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

AddReport API accepts details of the company, and it will return a unique requestId for each request. This unique requestId is needed to retrieve the report of the company.

HTTP Request


Format of optional directors JSON array
(only name is mandatory, others will increase relevance of results):
    "name" : "...", <-- Mandatory
    "fatherName" : "",
    "dob" : "...",
    "address" : "...",
    "panNumber" : ""
Possible values of companyType
Private Limited => "PvtLtd"
Public Limited => "Limited"
Limited Liability Company => "LLC"
Limited Liability Partnership => "LLP"
Registered Firm => "RegFirm"
Unregistered Firm => "UnregFirm"
Proprietary => "Proprietary"
Don't Know => "dontknow"

URL Parameters - For Company

companyName: string
Name of the company
companyType string
Optional for Default/Detailed Reports
Mandatory for realTimeHighAccuracy
Type of the company. See sidebar for possible options.
companyAddress: string
Registered address of the company
directors JSON array
Director(s)/Owner(s)/Partner(s) of the company
Each object in the array represents one individual (see sidebar)
clientRefNo string
Unique internal Reference Number which will be included in the report
reportMode string
If the value realTimeHighAccuracy is passed, generates a Real-time report, compiling all cases returned by highAccuracy mode of Crime Records API. Report will be available in next few mins. There is no manual scrutiny by legal team.
If no value is passed, report generation will happen through usual process of filtering by CrimeCheck's operations team, including manual scrutiny by legal team. Report will be available in agreed TAT (4 - 24 hours usually).
If realTimeHighAccuracy mode is set, then companyType is mandatory.
priority string
Default: normal
If value is set to high, it will be targeted to be finished within 4 hours. If completed within 4 hours, higher charges will be applicable (contact CrimeCheck for details). If not completed within 4 hours, charges will be normal.
callbackUrl: string
CrimeCheck will send an HTTP POST call to this URL, with the report in a x-www-form-urlencoded parameter named data, whenever the report is ready (more info).
cinNumber: string
CIN of the company
gstNumber: string
GST Number of Company
panNumber: string
PAN of Company
reqTag: string
Any string tag you want to attach to this request. E.g. "Agri Loan", "Auto Loan"
ticketSize: string
Slab of the monetary value to be delivered to the assessee, based on this request's risk profile. Will be used to determine the risk, comparing with the kind of cases the assessee is involved in. Possible values are: 0 - 1 Lakh ₹, 1 - 10 Lakh ₹, More than 10 lakh ₹
crimewatch boolean
Default: false
If set to true, we'll monitor this profile at a regular frequency for any new cases or updates to existing cases, and send you updated reports via callback (more info)
The CrimeWatch callback body will have crimewatch key set to true to indicate that it is a CrimeWatch response. It'll also have an additional crimewatch object inside each case object, which has a flag field indicating the nature of change from previous report (new,modified,nochange), followed by a modified_fields array listing the fields that were changed if any. See sample response below.
Note: Usage of CrimeWatch needs to be enabled for each API key from CrimeCheck side. Request explicitly to enable this before use.

URL Parameters - For Individual

name: string
Name of the Individual
fatherName: string
Father's name or relative name. While not mandatory, this field increases relevance of the results
address: string
Address of the Individual. While not mandatory, this field increases relevance of the results significantly
address2: string
Alternate address, if available.
If provided, CrimeCheck checks for cases separately using this second address. The final result is a consolidated report containing cases from both addresses, if any.
If provided, this request will be counted as 2 requests, for billing purposes.
dob: string
Date of birth
panNumber: string
PAN of the individual
clientRefNo string
Unique internal Reference Number which will be included in the report
reportMode string
If the value realTimeHighAccuracy is passed, generates a Real-time report, compiling all cases returned by highAccuracy mode of Crime Records API. Report will be available in next few mins. There is no manual scrutiny by legal team.
If no value is passed, report generation will happen through usual process of filtering by CrimeCheck's operations team, including manual scrutiny by legal team. Report will be available in agreed TAT (4 - 24 hours usually).
priority string
Default: normal
If value is set to high, it will be targeted to be finished within 4 hours. If completed within 4 hours, higher charges will be applicable (contact CrimeCheck for details). If not completed within 4 hours, charges will be normal.
callbackUrl: string
CrimeCheck will send an HTTP POST call to this URL, with the report in a x-www-form-urlencoded parameter named data, whenever the report is ready (more info).
reqTag: string
Any string tag you want to attach to this request. E.g. "Agri Loan", "Auto Loan"
ticketSize: string
Slab of the monetary value to be delivered to the assessee, based on this request's risk profile. Will be used to determine the risk, comparing with the kind of cases the assessee is involved in. Possible values are: 0 - 1 Lakh ₹, 1 - 10 Lakh ₹, More than 10 lakh ₹
crimewatch boolean
Default: false
If set to true, we'll monitor this profile at a regular frequency for any new cases or updates to existing cases, and send you updated reports via callback (more info)
The CrimeWatch callback body will have crimewatch key set to true to indicate that it is a CrimeWatch response. It'll also have an additional crimewatch object inside each case object, which has a flag field indicating the nature of change from previous report (new,modified,nochange), followed by a modified_fields array listing the fields that were changed if any. See sample response below.
Note: Usage of CrimeWatch needs to be enabled for each API key from CrimeCheck side. Request explicitly to enable this before use.


Response for addReport API
    "status": "OK",
    "requestTime": "11/04/2018 12:58:17",
    "requestId": "1523431697863"

If successful, Add Report API will return a JSON response containing unique id of the request.

In case of failure, API will return error code listed in error section.

If callbackUrl is provided, we will do an HTTP POST to the callbackUrl. The report data is sent through a x-www-form-urlencoded parameter named data. See sidebar for a sample cURL to try callback mechanism locally.

The fields in the response and some sample values are documented here.

Response via callBack
  "status": "OK",
  "requestId": 1523431697863,
  "requestTime": "15/09/2022 03:15 pm",
  "responseTime": "15/09/2022 03:34 pm",
  "searchTerm": [
      "companyName": "TURBOTECH ENGINEERS",
      "ownerName": "MANAVALAN SRIDHAR",
      "cinNumber": "",
      "name": "MANAVALAN SRIDHAR",
      "fatherName": "KANNAIYA MANAVALAN",
      "dob": "09/11/1979",
  "crimewatch": false,
  "downloadLink": "",
  "riskType": "Average Risk",
  "riskSummary": "MANAVALAN SRIDHAR has 1 civil matter registered in the High court of Telangana.",
  "numberOfCases": 1,
  "caseDetails": [
      "slNo": 1,
      "petitioner": "M/s AMR Infra Projects Pvt. Ltd., represented by",
      "respondent": "State Bank of India, Stressed Assets Recovery Branch",
      "cinNumber": "WP/4737/2015",
      "caseTypeName": "WP(WRIT PETITION)",
      "hearingDate": "",
      "courtNumberAndJudge": "The Honourable Sri Justice RAMESH RANGANATHAN,The Honourable Sri Justice M.SATYANARAYANA MURTHY",
      "courtName": "High Court of Telangana",
      "state": "Telangana",
      "district": "",
      "petitionerAddress": "1) Name: M/s AMR Infra Projects Pvt Ltd represented by - A Rami Reddy sonof  A Malla Reddy Occ Managing director having its office at 63347/9 N R Plaza Dwarakapuri Colony Punjagutta Hyderabad",
      "respondentAddress": "1) Name: State Bank of India Stressed Assets Recovery Branch - Opp Borad of Intermediate Latha Complex Nampally Hyderabad represented by its Authorized Officer ----------------------------2) Name: The State Bank of India SME Branch Saifabad Hyderabad ----------------------------3) Name: The Debt Recovery Tribunal represented by its Registrar - Koti Hyderabad ----------------------------4) Name: Basavaraju Varalakshmi wifeof  Gopala Krishna - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner inagar 7/1 Guntur----------------------------5) Name: Koduri Maruthi Rama Krishna sonof  Purushothamarao - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner 3571 MIG PhaseII Vidyanagar Rarnachandrapuram Hyderabad 500032----------------------------6) Name: Sandepudi Jaya Lakshmi wifeof  SVRK Anjaneya Sarma - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 313 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Serilingampally Hyderabad500019----------------------------7) Name: Sridhar Manvalan sonof  K Manvalan - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 411 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19----------------------------8) Name: Thota Sai Krishna sonof  late T Narsingarao - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 203 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19----------------------------9) Name: Veerabomma Srinivas sonof  late Mallaiah - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 312 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19----------------------------10) Name: Smt K Raja Rajeswari wifeof  Suresh Kumar - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner  5E Madhavi Estates Motinagar Hyderabad 18----------------------------",
      "caseNumber": "WP/4737/2015",
      "caseNo": "WP/4737/2015",
      "caseYear": "2015",
      "underAct": "NA",
      "section": "NA",
      "underSection": "NA",
      "caseStatus": "Disposed",
      "firLink": "N/A",
      "judgementLink": "",
      "caseFlow": [],
      "gfc_uniqueid": "HC_29_0_NA_WPWRITPETITION_WP_4737_2015_NA_2015",
      "caseLink": "",
      "caseType": "Civil",
      "natureOfDisposal": "",
      "riskType": "Average Risk",
      "riskSummary": "There is a disposed case filed against the subject, the case is filed for Writ petition in the High court of Telangana.",
      "severity": "Writ petition - HC",
      "judgementSummary": "Judgement attached",
      "caseRegDate": "26/02/2015",
      "regNumber": "",
      "filingDate": "26/02/2015",
      "filingNumber": "",
      "courtType": "High Court",
      "gfc_orders_data": {
        "petitioners": [],
        "respondents": []
      "gfc_respondents": [
          "name": "State Bank of India Stressed Assets Recovery Branch - Opp Borad of Intermediate Latha Complex Nampally Hyderabad represented by its Authorized Officer "
          "name": "The State Bank of India SME Branch Saifabad Hyderabad "
          "name": "The Debt Recovery Tribunal represented by its Registrar - Koti Hyderabad "
          "name": "Basavaraju Varalakshmi wifeof  Gopala Krishna - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner inagar 7/1 Guntur"
          "name": "Koduri Maruthi Rama Krishna sonof  Purushothamarao - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner 3571 MIG PhaseII Vidyanagar Rarnachandrapuram Hyderabad 500032"
          "name": "Sandepudi Jaya Lakshmi wifeof  SVRK Anjaneya Sarma - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 313 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Serilingampally Hyderabad500019"
          "name": "<em>Sridhar</em> <em>Manvalan</em> sonof  K <em>Manvalan</em> - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 411 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19"
          "name": "Thota Sai Krishna sonof  late T Narsingarao - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 203 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19"
          "name": "Veerabomma Srinivas sonof  late Mallaiah - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 312 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19"
          "name": "Smt K Raja Rajeswari wifeof  Suresh Kumar - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner  5E Madhavi Estates Motinagar Hyderabad 18"
      "gfc_petitioners": [
          "name": "M/s AMR Infra Projects Pvt Ltd represented by - A Rami Reddy sonof  A Malla Reddy Occ Managing director having its office at 63347/9 N R Plaza Dwarakapuri Colony Punjagutta Hyderabad"
      "matchingAddress": "Sridhar Manvalan S/o K Manvalan Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 411 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19",
      "matchSummary": "99% match with Name full match + Father name partial match + Address close match as per court details.",
      "caseDetailsLink": ""
  "disclaimer": "This report contains information about the Subject in question which has been compiled using data collected from the public domain. This report was generated from a database which contains 21 Crore crime records from all courts, Tribunals & Defaulters List across India. To that effect, the correctness, accuracy, and completeness of this report are directly related to the data available online in the public domain at the time of report generation. This report is not to be treated as an advice in any form and the users are advised to carry out necessary due diligence/ verification or to seek proper professional advice as may be necessary on the information provided in this report before taking any decision."
Sample cURL to try callback mechanism locally:
curl --location --request POST 'https://your-server-or-localhost/test/crimecheck/callback' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'data={
    "status": "OK",
    "requestId": 1663235156831,
    "requestTime": "15/09/2022 03:15 pm",
    "responseTime": "15/09/2022 03:34 pm",
    "searchTerm": [
            "companyName": "TURBOTECH ENGINEERS",
            "ownerName": "MANAVALAN SRIDHAR",
            "cinNumber": "",
            "name": "MANAVALAN SRIDHAR",
            "fatherName": "KANNAIYA MANAVALAN",
            "dob": "09/11/1979",
    "crimewatch": false,
    "downloadLink": "",
    "riskType": "Average Risk",
    "riskSummary": "MANAVALAN SRIDHAR has 1 civil matter registered in the High court of Telangana.\n",
    "numberOfCases": 1,
    "caseDetails": [
            "slNo": 1,
            "petitioner": "M/s AMR Infra Projects Pvt. Ltd., represented by",
            "respondent": "State Bank of India, Stressed Assets Recovery Branch",
            "cinNumber": "WP/4737/2015",
            "caseTypeName": "WP(WRIT PETITION)",
            "hearingDate": "",
            "courtNumberAndJudge": "The Honourable Sri Justice RAMESH RANGANATHAN,The Honourable Sri Justice M.SATYANARAYANA MURTHY",
            "courtName": "High Court of Telangana",
            "state": "Telangana",
            "district": "",
            "petitionerAddress": "1) Name: M/s AMR Infra Projects Pvt Ltd represented by - A Rami Reddy sonof  A Malla Reddy Occ Managing director having its office at 63347/9 N R Plaza Dwarakapuri Colony Punjagutta Hyderabad",
            "respondentAddress": "1) Name: State Bank of India Stressed Assets Recovery Branch - Opp Borad of Intermediate Latha Complex Nampally Hyderabad represented by its Authorized Officer ----------------------------2) Name: The State Bank of India SME Branch Saifabad Hyderabad ----------------------------3) Name: The Debt Recovery Tribunal represented by its Registrar - Koti Hyderabad ----------------------------4) Name: Basavaraju Varalakshmi wifeof  Gopala Krishna - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner inagar 7/1 Guntur----------------------------5) Name: Koduri Maruthi Rama Krishna sonof  Purushothamarao - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner 3571 MIG PhaseII Vidyanagar Rarnachandrapuram Hyderabad 500032----------------------------6) Name: Sandepudi Jaya Lakshmi wifeof  SVRK Anjaneya Sarma - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 313 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Serilingampally Hyderabad500019----------------------------7) Name: Sridhar Manvalan sonof  K Manvalan - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 411 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19----------------------------8) Name: Thota Sai Krishna sonof  late T Narsingarao - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 203 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19----------------------------9) Name: Veerabomma Srinivas sonof  late Mallaiah - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 312 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19----------------------------10) Name: Smt K Raja Rajeswari wifeof  Suresh Kumar - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner  5E Madhavi Estates Motinagar Hyderabad 18----------------------------",
            "caseNumber": "WP/4737/2015",
            "caseNo": "WP/4737/2015",
            "caseYear": "2015",
            "underAct": "NA",
            "section": "NA",
            "underSection": "NA",
            "caseStatus": "Disposed",
            "firLink": "N/A",
            "judgementLink": "",
            "caseFlow": [],
            "gfc_uniqueid": "HC_29_0_NA_WPWRITPETITION_WP_4737_2015_NA_2015",
            "caseLink": "",
            "caseType": "Civil",
            "natureOfDisposal": "",
            "riskType": "Average Risk",
            "riskSummary": "There is a disposed case filed against the subject, the case is filed for Writ petition in the High court of Telangana.\n",
            "severity": "Writ petition - HC",
            "judgementSummary": "Judgement attached",
            "caseRegDate": "26/02/2015",
            "regNumber": "",
            "filingDate": "26/02/2015",
            "filingNumber": "",
            "courtType": "High Court",
            "gfc_orders_data": {
                "petitioners": [],
                "respondents": []
            "gfc_respondents": [
                    "name": "State Bank of India Stressed Assets Recovery Branch - Opp Borad of Intermediate Latha Complex Nampally Hyderabad represented by its Authorized Officer "
                    "name": "The State Bank of India SME Branch Saifabad Hyderabad "
                    "name": "The Debt Recovery Tribunal represented by its Registrar - Koti Hyderabad "
                    "name": "Basavaraju Varalakshmi wifeof  Gopala Krishna - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner inagar 7/1 Guntur"
                    "name": "Koduri Maruthi Rama Krishna sonof  Purushothamarao - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner 3571 MIG PhaseII Vidyanagar Rarnachandrapuram Hyderabad 500032"
                    "name": "Sandepudi Jaya Lakshmi wifeof  SVRK Anjaneya Sarma - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 313 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Serilingampally Hyderabad500019"
                    "name": "<em>Sridhar</em> <em>Manvalan</em> sonof  K <em>Manvalan</em> - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 411 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19"
                    "name": "Thota Sai Krishna sonof  late T Narsingarao - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 203 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19"
                    "name": "Veerabomma Srinivas sonof  late Mallaiah - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 312 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19"
                    "name": "Smt K Raja Rajeswari wifeof  Suresh Kumar - Age not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner  5E Madhavi Estates Motinagar Hyderabad 18"
            "gfc_petitioners": [
                    "name": "M/s AMR Infra Projects Pvt Ltd represented by - A Rami Reddy sonof  A Malla Reddy Occ Managing director having its office at 63347/9 N R Plaza Dwarakapuri Colony Punjagutta Hyderabad"
            "matchingAddress": "Sridhar Manvalan S/o K Manvalan\nAge not known to the petitioner Occnot known to the petitioner Flat No 411 Vaibhavari Towers HUDA Trade Centre Lingampally Hyderabad19",
            "matchSummary": "99% match with Name full match + Father name partial match + Address close match as per court details.",
            "caseDetailsLink": ""
    "disclaimer": "This report contains information about the Subject in question which has been compiled using data collected from the public domain. This report was generated from a database which contains 21 Crore crime records from all courts, Tribunals & Defaulters List across India. To that effect, the correctness, accuracy, and completeness of this report are directly related to the data available online in the public domain at the time of report generation. This report is not to be treated as an advice in any form and the users are advised to carry out necessary due diligence/ verification or to seek proper professional advice as may be necessary on the information provided in this report before taking any decision."

2. Download PDF Report

Reports uploaded by our team can be retrieved using the download report API.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

requestId: string
Unique requestId sent by addReport API
apiKey: string
This parameter is mandatory if apiKey is not passed via Authorization header.


  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Invalid UniqueId or APIKey"

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Report not available. Please try again later."

If successful, PDF file blob will be sent which can be saved and opened via PDF readers.

In case of failure, following responses will be sent.

Message Description
Invalid UniqueId or APIKey Invalid Unique ID or APIKey is passed
Report not available. Please try again later. Our team has not uploaded the report. Please try later.

3. Download JSON Report

Report uploaded by our team can be retrieved as a JSON response, which also includes a link to the PDF report described above.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

requestId: string
Unique requestId sent by addReport API
apiKey: string
This parameter is mandatory if apiKey is not passed via Authorization header.


See sidebar for sample responses on failure and success.

The fields in the response and some sample values are documented here.

  "status": "failed",
  "message": "Invalid UniqueId or APIKey"


  "status": "failed",
  "message": "Report not available. Please try again later."

  "status": "OK",
  "requestId": "1597298625363",
  "downloadLink": "",
  "riskType": "Very High Risk",
  "riskSummary": "There is a pending case filed against the subject,the case is filed for Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty.",
  "numberOfCases": 1,
  "caseDetails": [
      "slNo": 1,
      "petitioner": "Antophill Police Staion",
      "respondent": "Sanjay Akhilesh Gupta",
      "cinNumber": "MHMM130045422012",
      "caseTypeName": "PW - Police Warrant Trible",
      "courtName": "Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Kurla,M",
      "state": "MAHARASHTRA",
      "district": "MUMBAI",
      "petitionerAddress": "1) Name: Antophill Police StaionAddress: C.G.S. Colony, Sector No. 6, Kane Nagar Antophill, Mumbai",
      "respondentAddress": "1) Name: Sanjay Akhilesh GuptaAddress: B. NO. B-1 ROOM NO. 18 SARDAR NGR NO. 4 SION KOLIWADA MUMBAI 37gfc_pincode: 400037",
      "caseNumber": "208551015842012",
      "caseYear": "2012",
      "underAct": "U/s 498A406, Indian Penal Code",
      "section": "498A406",
      "caseStatus": "Pending",
      "firLink": "N/A",
      "judgementLink": "",
      "caseLink": "",
      "caseType": "Criminal",
      "caseRemarks": "Address: B. NO. B-1 ROOM NO. 18 SARDAR NGR NO. 4 SION KOLIWADA MUMBAI 37",
      "natureOfDisposal": "",
      "final_riskType": null,
      "final_riskSummary": null,
      "courtType": "Magistrate Court",
      "caseDetailsLink": ""
Message Description
Invalid UniqueId or APIKey Invalid Unique ID or APIKey is passed
Report not available. Please try again later. Our team has not uploaded the report. Please try later.

Usage Count

API Endpoint

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

  "usage": 48,
  "limit": 100

CrimeCheck APIs work based on credits added to your API Key. To check the balance credits, call this API and pass in your apiKey as a GET parameter.


List of States and Union Territories

List of Districts

List of court names

Sample Response

Real-time report

  curl -X POST \ \
   -u 'test_apikey:' \
   -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
   -d 'name=Ramakant Shankarmal Pilani&address=Plot No 10 Shanti Sadan J B Nagar,near Subhash Hotel,andheri East Mumbai,maharashtra,mumbai,400059' 
  require 'uri'
  require 'net/http'

  url = URI("")

  http =, url.port)

  request =
  request.basic_auth("test_apikey", "")
  request["content-type"] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  request.body = "name=Ramakant Shankarmal Pilani&address=Plot No 10 Shanti Sadan J B Nagar,near Subhash Hotel,andheri East Mumbai,maharashtra,mumbai,400059"

  response = http.request(request)
  puts response.read_body
import requests

headers = {
  'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

data = [
  ('name', 'Ramakant Shankarmal Pilani'),
  ('address', 'Plot No 10 Shanti Sadan J B Nagar,near Subhash Hotel,andheri East Mumbai,maharashtra,mumbai,400059'),
]'', headers=headers, data=data, auth=('test_apikey', ''))

  $curl = curl_init();

  curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
    CURLOPT_URL => "",
    CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "name=Ramakant Shankarmal Pilani&address=Plot No 10 Shanti Sadan J B Nagar,near Subhash Hotel,andheri East Mumbai,maharashtra,mumbai,400059",
      "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "test_apikey" . ":" . "");
  $response = curl_exec($curl);
  $err = curl_error($curl);


  if ($err) {
    echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
  } else {
    echo $response;
  var request = require("request");

  var options = { method: 'POST',
  url: '',
  auth: {
        'user': 'test_apikey',
        'pass': ''
  headers: {
    'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
  form: { name: 'Ramakant Shankarmal Pilani', address: 'Plot No 10 Shanti Sadan J B Nagar,near Subhash Hotel,andheri East Mumbai,maharashtra,mumbai,400059' } };
  request(options, function (error, response, body) {
    if (error) throw new Error(error);


  body := strings.NewReader(`name=Ramakant Shankarmal Pilani&address=Plot No 10 Shanti Sadan J B Nagar,near Subhash Hotel,andheri East Mumbai,maharashtra,mumbai,400059`)
  req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", body)
  if err != nil {
    // handle err
  req.SetBasicAuth("test_apikey", "")
  req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")

  resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
    // handle err
  defer resp.Body.Close()
  var client = new RestClient(''){
      Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator('test_apikey', '')
  var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
  request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
  request.AddParameter("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "name=Ramakant Shankarmal Pilani&address=Plot No 10 Shanti Sadan J B Nagar,near Subhash Hotel,andheri East Mumbai,maharashtra,mumbai,400059", ParameterType.RequestBody);
  IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
  HttpResponse<String> response ="")
    .basicAuth("test_apikey", "")
    .header("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    .body("name=Ramakant Shankarmal Pilani&address=Plot No 10 Shanti Sadan J B Nagar,near Subhash Hotel,andheri East Mumbai,maharashtra,mumbai,400059")

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "status": "OK",
    "requestTime": "28/05/2021 18:16:34",
    "requestId": "1622205994888"

Example Data used:
Name: Ramakant Shankarmal Pilani
Address: Plot No 10 Shanti Sadan J B Nagar,near Subhash Hotel,andheri East Mumbai,maharashtra,mumbai,400059

CrimeWatch response

See sidebar for sample response. Observe that top-level field crimewatch is set to true. Observe that each object inside caseDetails array has an object called crimewatch, which indicates the nature of the change and the case fields that were changed.

  "status": "OK",
  "requestId": "1650885132243",
  "requestTime": "25/04/2022 04:42 pm",
  "responseTime": "25/04/2022 04:46 pm",
  "searchTerm": [
      "cinnumber": "",
      "address": "1ST BLOCK, RAJAJINAGAR NO. 1094, 19TH MAIN 560010 BANGALORE India 560010 INDIA"
  "crimewatch": true,
  "crimewatchNewCasesCount": 13,
  "downloadLink": "",
  "riskType": "Very High Risk",
  "riskSummary": "The subject is a defaulter in the CIBIL defaulter list for an amount of Rs. 623.20 lakhs",
  "numberOfCases": 17,
  "caseDetails": [
      "slNo": 1,
      "petitioner": "CORPORATION BANK",
      "respondent": "AYURWIN PHARMA PRIVATE LIMITED,  Mr.P.B.Shivakumar--3331842, Mrs.P.R.Shwetha--3640307",
      "cinNumber": "m",
      "caseTypeName": "",
      "hearingDate": "n",
      "courtNumberAndJudge": "",
      "courtName": "CIBIL - Willful Defaulters list",
      "state": "Center",
      "district": "",
      "petitionerAddress": "1) Name: CORPORATION BANK Address: BANGALORE-MALLESHWARAM",
      "respondentAddress": "1) Name: AYURWIN PHARMA PRIVATE LIMITED Address: NO 1094 19TH MAIN, I BLOCK RAJAJINAGAR BANGALORE -560010----------------------------2) Name:  Mr.P.B.Shivakumar ----------------------------3) Name:  Mrs.P.R.Shwetha ----------------------------",
      "caseNumber": "",
      "caseNo": "",
      "caseYear": "Unknown",
      "underAct": "CIBIL - Willful Defaulters list",
      "section": "",
      "underSection": "",
      "caseStatus": "Other",
      "firLink": "N/A",
      "judgementLink": "",
      "caseFlow": [],
      "caseLink": "",
      "caseType": "Civil",
      "natureOfDisposal": "",
      "riskType": "High Risk",
      "riskSummary": " The subject is a defaulter in the CIBIL - Willful defaulter list and  has done a default of Rs. 623.20 lakhs\"\n",
      "severity": "CIBIL - Willful Defaulters listmmk",
      "judgementSummary": "There are no judgement/order's provided in the court records",
      "caseRegDate": "30-09-19",
      "regNumber": "",
      "filingDate": "",
      "filingNumber": "",
      "courtType": "Willfull Defaulters List",
      "crimewatch": {
        "flag": "modified",
        "modified_fields": [
      "gfc_orders_data": {
        "petitioners": [],
        "respondents": []
      "gfc_respondents": [
          "name": "<em>AYURWIN</em> <em>PHARMA</em> <em>PRIVATE</em> <em>LIMITED</em> ",
          "address": "<mem>NO</mem> <mem>1094</mem> <mem>19TH</mem> <mem>MAIN</mem>, I <mem>BLOCK</mem> <mem>RAJAJINAGAR</mem> <mem>BANGALORE</mem> -<mem>560010</mem>"
          "name": " Mr.P.B.Shivakumar "
          "name": " Mrs.P.R.Shwetha "
      "gfc_petitioners": [
          "name": "CORPORATION BANK ",
          "address": "<mem>BANGALORE</mem>-MALLESHWARAM"
      "matchingAddress": "1) Name: AYURWIN PHARMA PRIVATE LIMITED Address: NO 1094 19TH MAIN, I BLOCK RAJAJINAGAR BANGALORE -560010----------------------------",
      "caseDetailsLink": ""

Change History

Date Version Author Change Description
06/06/2024 1.17 Aswin Add parameter for PAN for company requests
17/07/2023 1.16 Aswin Update missing params in Individual request params - priority, reqTag, ticketSize
09/06/2023 1.16 Aswin Remove deprecated parameters in directors list
16/02/2023 1.15 Aswin Provide more details and sample for callback mechanism
13/02/2023 1.14 Aswin Update address2 details for Report API
09/02/2023 1.13 Aswin Update sample callback response, add link to doc for field details
06/05/2022 1.12 Aswin HTTP Error Codes updated, CrimeWatch response details added
12/04/2022 1.11 Aswin CrimeWatch details added
26/01/2022 1.10 Aswin Add API Integration video, add Usage Count API details
07/07/2021 1.9 Mukul Update with priority field
29/05/2021 1.8 Mukul Update with reportMode info
26/08/2020 1.7 Aswin Add details of downloadJsonReport API
30/07/2020 1.6 Aswin Add PAN number to Individual CrimeReport, JSON array format for directors
06/03/2018 1.5 Vinoth Added courtType and courtName Filters.
05/11/2017 1.4 Vinoth Added searchFields.
24/10/2017 1.3 Vinoth Added resultsPerPage and courtType.
09/10/2017 1.2 Vinoth Added filters and pagination.
01/09/2017 1.1 Vinoth Added SearchType for Partial searches.
28/08/2017 1.0 Pradeep Incorporated review comments.
26/08/2017 0.3 Vinoth Added detailed description for all the parameters.
25/08/2017 0.2 Vinoth Fixed formatting errors. Added some examples.
24/08/2017 0.1 Prasad Added categories for status of response.
20/08/2017 First Draft Vinoth Created first version with API and details.